Apple Sauce

Last Monday my pal Trooper came over and we made apple sauce! Ok, so I didn’t really make it per-say…but I did help collect apples from the tree in the back yard!

Apples are fine and dandy, but when are we going to plant a tree that grows bones? I’d gladly tend to that tree all by myself!

We have apple sauce!

Magic Horse Poop

Horse poop.

For those of you that don’t eat, sleep, and breathe it on a daily basis like I do – you don’t know what you’re missing. I’ve eaten my fair share of it, and let me tell you, it is yummy.

According to my mom, it has other uses too. Apparently it can help you grow things, like things that you can eat, and in my mom’s case it grew cucumbers. BIG cucumbers! I tried one, and honestly, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. They taste like leaves. I’d much rather eat horse poop.

Because of this magic horse poop that grows things my mom had so many cucumbers that we couldn’t give them away fast enough. So we did what anyone with lots of cucumbers would do…….we made PICKLES!

Ok, well I kinda just watched, but believe me, if I had hands I WOULD have helped.


stuff the grows from magic horse poop

canning pickles

canning cucumbers




Are they ready yet?

ammo cucumbers

If I don't get a taste soon I'm gonna scream!


they're almost ready!


Finally they're done!

ammo in arms

What do you mean I can't have any for 3 weeks!!


Peace out Pickles! I'll see ya in 3 weeks.

How to make canned pickles.