Dachshund Finds Way to Make Biggest Mess Ever

Over the weekend mom and dad decided to put together a new piece of furniture they purchased.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Of course as you know, I’m never one to not help out when there is a project at hand. So while mom and dad were busy assembling furniture in the other room, I decided to help disassemble the empty boxes for them.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Mom and dad had a good laugh when I was done “helping”, although I’m not sure why.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

And I still don’t understand why I was immediately plopped outside after my box destroying duties. Sometimes my skills just aren’t appreciated around here.

So make sure the next time you have a box destroying need you give me a shout! I’m happy to go where my expertise is appreciated! Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity