The Elusive Golden Bear

When I took a trip over the weekend to visit the flea markets in Kutztown, Pa – I didn’t just end my adventure with pillaging for buried treasures. No, there was another reason to travel north – to hunt for the elusive Golden Bear.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

See Mom and Dad both attended Kutztown University, home of the Golden Bear – a magical creature I’m sure, and I was dead set on finding said bear.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

But before I could head to campus in search of my Golden Bear I took a trip downtown where I took a nap on the sidewalk as mom and dad ate lunch. I must say, I attracted quite a few college students with my stunning good looks, but that was to be expected.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

After lunch I made my way to campus where I began my search for the golden bear.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

I searched high and low for my bear.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

I really thought my bear would be in the school fountain too – on account of how hot it was – but sadly no bear here.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

Then just when I was about to declare the golden bear as truly elusive – he decided to sneak up behind me.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

Oh Golden Bear, you’re just as glorious as I expected.

Ammo the Dachshund visits Kutztown University // The Golden Bear

Have you found an elusive creatures lately? Ammo the Dachshund

Folding Dog Crate from Elitefield

ammo the dachshund elite field dog crate

A couple of weeks ago mom ordered me a new dog crate made by EliteField.

ammo the dachshund elite field dog crate

Honestly, I wasn’t super thrilled about this purchase because I’m not really a “crate” type of dog.

ammo the dachshund elite field dog crate

I especially hate being zipped inside, but sadly mom has decided that I need to learn to be in a crate now – even though I’ve survived for 3 years just fine without one. During my agility classes I’m required to go inside my crate while the other dogs get a turn on the course – this is like pure torture. But on the plus side because mom is training me to like the crate more I get lots and lots of treats for being quiet when I’m inside.

ammo the dachshund elite field dog crate

My new crate came from Amazon and included lots of extra goodies, like a carrying bag, and extra storage bags for all my travel gear.

ammo the dachshund elite field dog crate

The very best part about my new crate though – it folds completely flat! Mom likes it because it’s easy to take places, I like it because when it’s flat it means I don’t have to go inside it!

ammo the dachshund elite field dog crate

Now if I could just figure out where to hide it so mom can’t find it……


Disclosure: I was not paid or perked to write about this product. Post contains affiliate links to my amazon affiliate shop.

A Camping we will go

ammo the dachshund camping

Screaming at the top of my lungs this past weekend to cheer on my pal Boomerang wasn’t the only highlight of my trip to Maryland. Oh yes, I got to go camping with my family!

ammo the dachshund camping

After helping pack the horse trailer  – Boomerang, mom, dad and me headed south for the weekend.

ammo the dachshund camping

I love camping because it means I get to spend lots of time outdoors doing manly outdoor things….like collecting sticks.

ammo the dachshund camping

Helping dad build the campfire is also quite fun – although it is a shame that all those perfect chewing sticks will soon be going up in flames.

ammo the dachshund camping

But, it was quite chilly on Saturday night, so I was happy to sacrifice a few of my sticks for the sake of warmth.

ammo the dachshund camping

This time I got to test out my new camping tent – as the last one I accidentally burst a hole through when I couldn’t find the door….oops.

ammo the dachshund camping

The good news is my new tent passed my rigorous test and I was extra warm and toasty all night inside mom’s sleeping bag.

ammo the dachshund camping

When I wasn’t cheering on Boomerang or doing camping things I chowed down on french fries and fruit smoothies in the spectator stands.

ammo the dachshund camping

I also got to help mom score some of the other divisions. Although to be honest I did use it as an excuse to take a nap.

ammo the dachshund camping

At the end of the weekend Boomerang thanked me for coming along to cheer him on.

ammo the dachshund camping

He even showed his appreciation by taking me on a pony ride – isn’t he the sweetest?

You can check out my super awesome pony friend Boomerang in action this weekend by watching the video below.

Fetching Finds: Lands End Carry Bag for Dachshunds

landsend carry bag for dogs

Ok, as embarrassing as it is that I’m riding around inside a tote bag in a shopping cart – there is a good explanation for this!

See, on a day-to-day basis I pretty much go everywhere with my Mom – yet there are some places that don’t necessarily hang a “dogs welcome” sign on the door. But seeing as how there are always some exceptions to the rules, mom decided that if I had a bag for these rare occasions that I might be able to tag along anyway. And if riding in a tote bag means that I don’t have to stay home alone, then I’m willing to swallow my pride – as long as no one tells Trooper!

landsend carry bag for dogs

When my new bag arrived I admit, it looked pretty spiffy.

lands end dog tote

It was a Lands End canvas tote bag designed just for dogs. It came complete with a firm base at the bottom for me to stand on, an outside pocket to stash my treats, a zipper to close the top, a neck hole, and a leash attachment for my collar (although I probably won’t use the attachment – just for safety reasons incase I ever fell out or anything).

lands end dog tote

Now I bet your next question is – did I fit? Being as I’m built more like a hot dog than most small dogs, length is an important factor here. Since I’m 17 inches long I probably won’t ever be able to lay down in the bag, but I can sit comfortably in it.

lands end dog tote

Mom says my new bag is designed to hold up to 20 lbs – and after weighing in at a muscular 18 lbs (I’m much bigger than a mini Dachshund) this bag seems more than strong enough to hold my muscular self.

lands end dog tote

I took my new bag for a spin around Lowes yesterday – and it was way more comfortable to sit in than on the mesh-like floor of the cart. Mom also carried me around in it for a bit which is quite fun for me – but Mom says my muscular self is a bit heavy to carry around for too long.

And incase you are looking for a new bag to embarrass carry your dog around in too, here’s my list of pros and cons:


  • Can hold up to 20 lbs (much more than most dog carry bags out there)
  • Has a nice solid base to stand on
  • Has a neck hole to stick your head out of
  • Zips up
  • Isn’t too “Paris Hilton” if you know what I mean!
  • Budget friendly at $50 (or $35 if you buy it on special right now)


  • If it were truly made to fit a Dachshund body it could stand to be a tad bit longer with the neck hole a little  deeper as well
  • The shoulder straps could be a bit shorter to make it more comfortable for carrying a heavy muscular dog
  • A harness attachment would be a much safer than having a collar attachment

You can fetch your own Lands End Canvas Pet Tote for $50 – or they are currently running a 30% off + free shipping special on their site with will bring it down to $35 before tax!

*disclosure: I was not paid or perked to write this review – I just thought my fans might be interested to hear my review of my new doggie tote bag!

 *UPDATE: For those of you looking for the coupon code for Lands End the deal is 30% off everything + free shipping on orders over $50. Use Promotion Code: ENJOY30 PIN: 1850 Promotion ends 4/23/12 at 11:59pm CST


My Monday post is a tad later today than normal, because I’ve been busy helping Mom unpack from the Horse Expo.

ammo the dachshund unpacking

Honestly, I’m surprised there was even room for me in the car this trip, because apparently ponies don’t know how to pack light.

ammo the dachshund unpacking

I promise to have a full recap of my Expo experience just as soon as I can dig myself out of the car! And if you just can’t wait any longer, you can check out my Facebook page for some photos from my exciting trip.

ammo the dachshund unpacking

P.S. I’m slightly worried I may have left my favorite bone under the bed in the hotel – so keep your paws crossed that it turns up somewhere!


ammo the dachshund packing for the pa horse world expo

Guess what! I won’t be having to build any Super Forts in my basement anytime soon….because I’m traveling along with Painting Pony, Minnow, for our big trip to the PA Horse World Expo in Harrisburg, PA.

ammo the dachshund packing for the pa horse world expo

I’ve been helping mom pack the horse trailer all week – with what seems like the entire contents of Minnow’s bedroom. How many bags of cardboard bedding does he really need anyway?

ammo the dachshund packing for the pa horse world expo

I’m pretty sure we have everything for our trip….

ammo the dachshund packing for the pa horse world expo

…and perhaps a few stowaways too! (wouldn’t be the first time). 


You can visit me at the Pa Horse World Expo Thursday – Sunday at booth #607 & 608 and also keep up with all of my adventures during the event on my Facebook page. Visit the blog next week to hear about all the fun I had!

Friday Fetch: Dog Car Seats

Recently there has been some inquiry into how I travel when in the car. It’s no secret that I’m a big advocate for seat belts in the car (for humans & dogs alike). Just check out my car safety gear here.

ammo the dachshund car seat

Me and my pal Trooper always wear our seat belts in the car, and I even ride in a special booster seat (so I can see out the window). So for today’s Friday Fetch I thought I’d share some of my favorite car travel products from Hunter K9.

lookout car seat

Lookout Car Seat

car seatbelt attachment

Ride Right Seat Belt

deluxe car harness

Deluxe Car Harness

You can fetch more dog car safety products at Hunter K9!

How to Survive traveling with Ponies

When you spend your time with a bunch of famous ponies, sometimes you are required to spend long hours on the road with them. It’s not the best situation (IE – where is my pillow and my favorite toys?), but there are lots of things you can do to make it your home away from home. Here are a few things I just can’t live without when I’m traveling with the ponies…

Number 1: If you must be tied up, make sure you have access to a nice sunning spot. Grass is preferred, but I’ve been known to compromise.

Number 2: a nice comfy dog bed out of the sun (for when it just gets too hot to bare) is a must. I of course use my designer dog bed from Molly Mutt tucked away in my little corner in the trailer tack room.

Number 3: A fan! Mom hooked me up with this battery powered fan, and let me tell you, it-is-heaven on a hot day!

Number 4: ONLY travel with ponies who make you look good! I tell my ponies that they better bring home the BLUE ribbon – or else no kisses from me!

ok fine.

they get kisses either way because I love them.


but don’t tell them I said that!

Virginia Excursion Part 1

So, after hearing about my big win at the Equine Extravaganza, there are still a lot of details I left out of my big trip – like what I did when I wasn’t performing for the masses!

After driving for 6 plus hours on Friday (it was apparently only supposed to take 4) we arrived in the dark at the Meadow Event Park in Virginia. I had to wait patiently while my pal Minnow got his stall bedded and he was tucked in for the night. Then I got to check into the hotel where I was staying! yipee!

You mean I get to sleep on the bed??

Of course one of the first things I had to do was check out my new digs, especially the bath tub. You all know how I love a hot bath!

After a good nights sleep I was up early and headed to the Event Park.

There was a lot of scrambling around on Saturday morning, readying props, getting dressed in costumes, and before I knew it I was running into the arena with my pal Minnow. (watch the video here).

Then after a lot of meet & greet with my fans and fellow competitors I took a much needed nap in the car while mom went to check out the rest of the expo (where apparently dogs weren’t allowed).

When are they going to make saddles for dogs?

Then mom came back and I got to go for a walk with my friend Minnow.

Me and Minnow have a very special friendship

Some of my very lucky fans even got to witness the “rarely seen” pony rubs dachshund’s belly – where Minnow helps a guy out and rubs my belly for me. Trust me, I don’t show this to everyone! (although my mom did catch it on film once.)

Later I took a little detour to check out the “facilities” at the park. I guess they meet my standards.

Then it was back to the hotel for the night.

But don’t worry, my adventure didn’t stop there! Check back tomorrow to learn about the rest of my trip!