On the Road Again

While you’re reading this, I’m on my way to Doswell, Virginia for the weekend with my pal Minnow! Minnow and I are competing in a talent competition at the Equine Extravaganza.

I’m a little bit nervous, but I’ve been practicing a lot, so I’m super excited to show everyone what I can do!

A few years back a mule named Gracie won the talent contest. Gracie went on to star in a movie and even made a few TV appearances after winning the contest. Pretty cool, huh?

Now I don’t know about being a TV star, but I do know I can’t wait to make everyone laugh! Laughter is the best part about being a performing Dachshund. Well and the treats, lets not forget the treats.

I really like to look out into the audience and see lots of smiling faces! That’s why sometimes I like to add-lib in my performances. Les you forget when I stole the show away from my friend Minnow the Pony this summer during a performance in Virginia – where I decided to dig a GIANT hole in the arena while Minnow was doing his tricks!

Sneaky I know, but when the crowd burst out laughing…..it was totally worth it. Minnow forgave me later, we always kiss and make up.

So since I totally enjoy making everyone smile – I thought I’d share a little video of Me and Minnow practicing for our big show. It’s not the finished product – which I will be sure to tell you all about when I get back – but I think it should hold you till I get back!

P.S. You better be laughing!