Friday Fetch: PuppyTails Spritz & Sniff Deodorizing Spray

I don’t know about you, but personally I’m a dog that loves to be dirty ALL THE TIME! My parents can’t always appreciate my carefully applied aroma, and I don’t particularly LOVE spending every night in the bathtub. So when I stumbled across PuppyTails Spritz & Sniff Deodorizing Spray, it sounded like a happy medium.

Available in 2 fun scents (coconut and rosemary) from PetFancy these Spritzers will keep your pup’s coat feeling and smelling clean!

Friday Fetch: PuppyTails Spritz & Sniff Deodorizing Spray // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: PuppyTails Spritz & Sniff Deodorizing Spray // Ammo the Dachshund

You can fetch the PuppyTails Spritz & Sniff Deodorizing Spray from PetFancy for $13. Ammo the Dachshund

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post, nor do I own any of these products. Just wanted to share my latest find!

Smelling the Flowers

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

Lately I’ve been coming in from the back yard looking like I was in a snow storm – covered in a dusting of white.

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

But not to worry, it still really is Spring here in Pennsylvania – and the reason for my snow storm-ish look lately – the glorious flowers are blooming!

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

In particular my peach tree in the back yard is blooming!

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

Now normally I’m not really a “pink” kind of guy, but I have to admit – the flowers are very pretty.

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

And not only do they look glorious, but they smell pretty good too.

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

Although, (to be fair) you probably shouldn’t take my word for it – considering I do like to munch on horse poop on occasion.

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

ammo the dachshund smelling flowers

As much as I do enjoy a good old fashioned snow storm, my spring time “flower petal snow storms” are quite enjoyable too. And it just reminds me of how important it is to stop and smell the flowers on a daily basis, even if they don’t smell quite as delicious as horse manure. 

Have some Cake and eat it Too!

ammo the dachshund's nose

This is my nose, it’s super good at smelling things.

Ammo the dachshund birthday cake

And it’s because of my nose that I ended up in the ponies’ paddock the other day.

Ammo the dachshund birthday cake

Now I know what you’re thinking……it’s not a real Birthday cake. Yes, I was a little disappointed too, but my nose didn’t bring me here because I smelled Birthday cake.

Ammo the dachshund birthday cake

No, I smelled something different, something better.

runaway birthday cake

It’s called poly-fill! And just because it’s not a real cake, doesn’t mean it’s any less fun to eat destroy.

ammo the dachshund nose

Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without my nose!