Bird Snatcher

Don’t worry it’s not that kind of snatching.

See for the past week I’ve been noticing a little birdie on my way to work. She would perch on the fence next to the sidewalk where I walk everyday. She’d get sooo close to me I could almost touch her! Don’t worry I wasn’t going to eat her!

Mom and I thought it was strange that a bird would get that close to us, and seeing as how it was a strange looking bird too, we looked it up online.

Domestic Finch

So we decided our little friend the Finch must have escaped from someone’s house. And I told mom that I wanted a little bird sister and that we had to rescue her before it got WAY too cold!

Mom tried to catch the bird on her own….but it seems that she only wants to come out from hiding when I’m around….go figure!

So mom and I decided to set up a little home for her, so maybe she will feel safe enough to come home with us.

Here birdie birdie

I promise to take very good care of you!

Food and a nest for my little lost bird

Maybe the bird is hiding behind the fence?

Or maybe my expert doxie nose can sniff her out!

Sigh. I guess I’ll just have to hope the little finch likes the home I got ready for her.


When I was leaving work I spotted some unwanted visitors eating my bird’s food!

Don’t worry I scared them off!

I guess my bird catching will have to wait for another day. I hope it doesn’t get too cold outside for my little bird friend!