Friday Fetch: Weenie Sweaters

Ok, so I know that NOT everyone out there that reads my blog is a Dachshund, but I just can’t help but come across some of those fabulous products that have DACHSHUND written all over them. So if you aren’t a Dachshund, or you don’t have a Dachshund friend (for shame!) then look away. Otherwise, check out these totally awesome sweaters made to fit the short and long!

Every Stitch Counts makes sweaters (and neck warmers called snoods) from all-natural re purposed virgin fibers. All of the wools are felted making them especially strong, warm and weather “proof”.

Since my Pennsylvania winters can be a little harsh for me, I decided to order myself a sweater! Being that I’m a Tweenie (for you non-doxie folks that means I’m too big to be a miniature dachshund and too small to be a standard dachshund), there wasn’t a selection of sweaters in my size. But luckily Susan from Every Stitch Counts said she would make one specifically to fit me!

So if you are looking for something to keep your little Dachshund friend warm, be sure to shop the handmade shop of Every Stitch Counts. P.S. Tell them Ammo sent you!

Frodo the Dachshund models his sweater and snood! Doesn’t he look super warm?

And here’s me in my new sweater!

Look! I can even stretch really long and it still fits!

You better believe I’m super warm and toasty out at the farm now!

P.S. I was not paid to write this post, I just like warm and fuzzy sweaters!