Secret Stash

Ok, so if I show you something, you have to PROMISE not to tell my mom! This is like top secret stuff!

I have a little something hiding under my bed.

And since we are friends, I guess I can show you.

It’s The Dangerous Book for Dogs!

See….it’s not really on my recommended reading list, that’s been pre-approved by my mom.

With chapters “How to make your owner look like an idiot” and “How to ruin the perfect dinner party”, I don’t think my mom would approve. But, with a title that has the word DANGEROUS in it, I just couldn’t resist….I’m an adventure dog after all!

So please please please don’t tell my mom. I PROMISE I won’t turn into a “bad dog”….I just had to see what was inside this book! (And don’t worry I’ll tell you all about it after I read it)

It’s our little secret.

post header from here.