In the Studio with Ammo

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

You might have noticed that some of my photos have been looking a little bit different lately.

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

Dare I even say a bit more “professional”?

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

No, I haven’t hired a professional photographer, mom has just been getting a little camera happy after she purchased me some studio backdrops…..fancy right?

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

It’s the perfect excuse to have a little photoshoot! And while we’re still just using natural light to snap my photos, mom hopes maybe someday we’ll add some real studio lighting to the mix for an even more professional look!

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

For now I’m just enjoying feeling like a celebrity and practicing for when I have my own big deal modeling gig!

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

Pretty soon the paparazzi is gonna start following me around and I’ll be as big a deal as the Kardashians!

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

But don’t worry, when I’m uber famous I’ll still be the same old cowboy I’ve always been!

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

And perhaps you’ll fall in love with me even more!

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

But for now I’m quite content just being me, the King of my own backyard! Ammo the Dachshund



Today is my mom’s 189th Birthday! Ok fine, 27 in people years, but it sounds way cooler to say 189. I wanted to get my Mom something extra special because she’s so nice to me.

Dog poop heart via

But, Dad said he didn’t think she would really appreciate the gesture. So instead I got her this book.

ok fine, Dad got her the book. But if I didn’t know any better I’d say this book, about a SUPER HERO DACHSHUND, was written about me!

Ammo the Super Hero

You can buy your own copy of the book here.


Dad also got Mom one of these….

image via

(Sadly not the cowboy, just the lasso.) It’s so me and Mom can play cowboys! I already signed Trooper up to be the bull we lasso. I think he’s in trouble, because mom has some super sweet lasso moves already. Just check out the video.

Happy Birthday Mom, love your favorite Dachshund side-kick, Ammo


blog header image via

Leaving on a Jet Plane…

My mom is getting ready to go on a trip……without me! (Someone hold me) And what makes it even worse is that Boomerang gets to go and I don’t!

I have hatched a scheme to hideout in her suitcase, so we’ll see how that goes.

See, Boomerang and mom have been accepted to compete in the Extreme Cowboy Race at the Horse World Expo in Harrisburg, PA February 24 – 27th. I don’t really understand it because mom doesn’t even own a cowboy hat! Which reminds me, maybe if I get a cowboy hat and boots mom will let me come along.

Mom says she wishes very much I could come along, but apparently the Expo doesn’t allow dogs. Stupid if you ask me. What’s a cowboy without his best dog? Seriously.

So until my mom abandons me, I’ve been helping her get Boomerang ready for the big event.

Not trying to brag, but I pretty much taught Boomerang how to be an awesome cowboy cowhorse bronco or whatever he’s supposed to be. After toting him around all over the county for the past Month and a half, I think he’s finally ready.

Just check out this video of Boomerang Practicing last weekend:

So I guess I’ll just have to hang with dad next week while mom’s gone. Boomerang better bring me back a trophy or something after all the hard work I put into training him…..or I’m gonna be peeved!

Also, mom, I expect presents upon your return. Thank you.

Read all about Boomerang’s preparation for the Extreme Cowboy Race on the Trick Ponies’ Blog