
Today is my mom’s 189th Birthday! Ok fine, 27 in people years, but it sounds way cooler to say 189. I wanted to get my Mom something extra special because she’s so nice to me.

Dog poop heart via

But, Dad said he didn’t think she would really appreciate the gesture. So instead I got her this book.

ok fine, Dad got her the book. But if I didn’t know any better I’d say this book, about a SUPER HERO DACHSHUND, was written about me!

Ammo the Super Hero

You can buy your own copy of the book here.


Dad also got Mom one of these….

image via

(Sadly not the cowboy, just the lasso.) It’s so me and Mom can play cowboys! I already signed Trooper up to be the bull we lasso. I think he’s in trouble, because mom has some super sweet lasso moves already. Just check out the video.

Happy Birthday Mom, love your favorite Dachshund side-kick, Ammo


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Birthday Treats

I know what you’re thinking…..and no you can’t have any.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing when I went to my Aunt Sarah’s Birthday Party over the weekend.

I even gave the sad puppy eyes.

And wouldn’t you know they let my cousin help blow out the candles instead of me! Uncool! Just Uncool!

Aunt Laurel, who’s birthday is today, you BETTER share some Birthday cake with me!

It’s my Birthday

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to, cry if I want to.

Ok well I didn’t really cry…..instead I jumped for joy, because yesterday was my Birthday and I got lots of fun presents! I didn’t know what to play with first!

Yeah seriously, this is something from a dream….I mean a GIANT tennis ball, how cool is that!

Flying Squirrel…oh boy!

And a gift from my bestest friend, Trooper, thanks pal! I’ll TRY to save you a bone.