Holiday Gift Guides for Dogs & Dog Lovers

Yay! It’s time for my holiday gift guides! I know you’ve got a special dog or dog lover in your life that you’re stumped on what to get them. Well have no fear! I’ve got the best collection of gift ideas for all your friends.

*this post contains some affiliate links

Holiday Gift Guides for Dogs

1. Reindeer Beanie

2. Roxxter Dog Toy

3. Rope Slip Leash

4. Dog Beer

5. Bacon Flavored Dental Chew

6. Bark & Co. Barklyn Hipster Gift Box (use code AMMO for a surprise at checkout)

Holiday Gift Guide for Dog Lovers

1. Dog Breed Mug

2. Wireless Pet Monitor

3. Ammo’s 2016 Calendar

4. Dog Cookie Cutter

5. Corgi Socks

6. Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund Book


So what’s on your pup’s Christmas Wish List this year? Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


Friday Fetch: American Beagle Outfitters

Who would of thought that big name clothing line, American Eagle, would start catering to the dogs too! They may have joked about it on April Fools day with a fake website dedicated to selling clothing for your furry friend, but this time it’s no joke! That’s right, my mom spotted a line of dog apparel in our local American Eagle store just the other day, and it looks like you can shop them online too!

Friday Fetch: American Beagle Outfitters // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: American Beagle Outfitters // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: American Beagle Outfitters // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: American Beagle Outfitters // Ammo the Dachshund

Come on, you know your dog needs a selfie hat! *wink* You can fetch these fun items and more from American Beagle Outfitters brought to you by American Eagle.

P.S. Looks like American Eagle has a special coupon out for 20% off your order with code GOODNEWS right now.Ammo the Dachshund

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post, nor do I own any of these products – just simply wanted to share my latest find!