My Weekend DIY Dipped Yellow Chair

Sometimes over the weekend I take on a few DIY projects around the house. Mom says I’m her favorite little helper, and pretty much I agree.

ammo the dachshund's diy dipped yellow chair

On this particular weekend I decided to help Mom makeover an old chair we had sitting around the house. The BEFORE was pretty blah, but I knew just what would do the trick after seeing this pretty lady on Pinterest:

Dipped Chairs with Dachshunds

ammo the dachshund's diy dipped yellow chair

So I did what I do best – supervised while Mom taped off each of the four legs with painter’s tape.

ammo the dachshund's diy dipped yellow chair

ammo the dachshund's diy dipped yellow chair

Then Mom gave it several coats of spray paint while I chomped on my ball in anticipation. I would of helped, but as you know, these cumbersome paws can’t exactly work a spray paint can.

ammo the dachshund's diy dipped yellow chair

After a few hours of drying time this baby was ready for a photoshoot, and we all know how I love a good photoshoot!

ammo the dachshund's diy dipped yellow chair

ammo the dachshund's diy dipped yellow chair

My new yellow chair looks fabulous with it’s dipped legs don’t you think? I’m now contemplating painting everything this way……how do you think I’d look dipped in teal – it would be the hot new trend in painted pets. I’m gonna be famous! 

Good Boy Treats

I was such a good boy at my Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog Test on Sunday that Mom made me an extra special treat when I got home.

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

You might remember the Polka Dog Bakery DIY Sweet Potato Dog Cookie Recipe I posted about a few weeks ago – well Mom decided to make me some as a reward for all my hard work!

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

First Mom sliced up some sweet potatoes for me.

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

Then we let them soak in a bowl of chicken broth for about 1/2 hour.

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

While they soaked I sat on my bed in the kitchen just counting the minutes until they would be ready. It was a whole lot of minutes.

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

Then after baking them for 15 minutes at 400 Degrees I had to wait a whole bunch more minutes for them to cool.

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

Finally my good dog treats were ready for their taste test!

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

Of course wouldn’t you know that mom made me practice my leave it command before I was allowed to eat them!

Ammo the Dachshund DIY sweet potato treats

In the end it was worth the wait, because they were yum! Perhaps I should be a good boy all the time.

You can find the entire recipe for DIY Healthy Sweet Potato Dog Cookies HERE

Deer Hunter

ammo the dachshund chasing deer

See that look on my face, that’s the look of a tough as nails bounty deer hunter.

ammo the dachshund chasing deer

A few days ago there was an intrusion in my backyard, and although I may not “shoot to kill”, I still pack a lot of Ammo.

ammo the dachshund chasing deer

And by Ammo I mean lungs of steel! That deer didn’t stand a chance.

ammo the dachshund chasing deer

ammo the dachshund chasing deer

I definitely showed that deer who’s boss!

ammo the dachshund chasing deer

And afterwards I had a little swagger to my step. Ok, well maybe it was more of a hop & skip – but you get the idea. 

Blogging in the Great Outdoors

ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

On the weekends when I’m at home I like to spend a lot of my time outdoors, especially in the summer.

ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

In the past it had always been a real drag when I had to come inside to do my facebooking and blogging though.

ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

But with the addition of my new outdoor sofa, I now have everything I need to get some work done in the great outdoors.

ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

I can survey my yard AND update my Facebook page at the same time! How glorious!

ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

I can’t help but smile to myself when writing about all the adventures I had over the past week.

ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

I even chuckle at all the things I have done in the past, like when Trooper and I had an Epic Jedi Battle, or when I dug a Super Weenie Hideout Cave, or even when I trained Trooper to be a Super Dog. Oh what wonderful adventures I have had!

Don’t worry though, I foresee many many more adventures in my future – coming right at you from the comfort of my sofa in the great outdoors! 

New Backyard Throne from Ikea

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

When Mom and Dad brought home a whole slew of boxes from their trip to Ikea over the weekend I just knew it was gonna be a great day! So we set out Sunday morning to put everything together so I could find out what wonderful goodies they had bought me.

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

I was extremely involved in the entire process – helping mom decipher the instructions and gathering tools.

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

Ok fine, that’s not really how it happened….

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

…but I was really tired, and it was hot, and I have these cumbersome paws. Don’t judge.

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

When it was finally built (thanks mom!) I was through the roof excited that the Ikea Boxes had provided a brand-new outdoor throne for me!

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

I have so much more room for activities now!

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

The new outdoor throne is definitely a huge upgrade from the rock hard stone bench I had before.

ammo the dachshund's new ikea furniture

So thanks Mom and Dad, and Ikea, for giving me a spiffy new place to guard my backyard from. And yes mom, I’ll try to remember to wipe my feet first. 

Graduation Day

Ammo the dachshund memorial day weekend

You might think that during my 3-day weekend for memorial day that most of my time would be spend lounging around and relaxing. But if you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know that this is simply not going to fly around my house – and you better believe that I packed as many adventures in as I could! By the end of the weekend I was so tired I even slept through dinner!

Ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation

I kicked off the weekend by celebrating my Aunt Laurel’s graduation from the University of Delaware.

Ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation

Even though I physically didn’t get to attend Laurel’s graduation as a certified Athletic Trainer I was there in spirit as mom texted me photos from the event so I could watch from home.

Ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

But I did get to wear my blue and gold proudly for the graduation party held at the farm the next day.

Ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

I kept busy all day and played a whole bunch of yard games with the party goers.

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

Cornhole is my new favorite, and I’m fairly certain that I was the only one playing properly. Winning!

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

And just like any function on the family farm, the magical ponies unicorns made their appearance as the graduate was made to participate in an embarrassing obstacle challenge.

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

I let my pal Trooper handle the judging this time while I manned the camera with mom, as I wasn’t going to miss a second of this train wreck.

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

Eventually the graduate crossed over the bridge to her future with her trusty steed Jet!

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

And we all cheered!

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

By this point in the day I was pretty zonked, but I pulled it all together, because I’m never one to miss family portrait time!

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

Awww how cute.

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

Trooper of course decided to kick off the extended family portrait with a bang!

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

And it was all down hill after that!

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

I’m so lucky to be a part of so many family adventures!

ammo the dachshund university of delaware graduation party

But, next time I might have to recruit a stunt double, because this pup was not prepared for the awesomeness that is GRADUATION DAY! 

Mellow Time

shilah the husky puppy

My friend Shilah the Husky puppy came to visit me over the weekend.

shilah the husky puppy

And although you may not be able to tell by looking at the photos, much like most puppies, Shilah is a bundle of energy.

shilah the husky puppy

But with me as her teacher, I’ve been showing her the rewarding benefits to mellowing out with your family. Like snuggling on the couch….

shilah the husky puppy

….or watching tv in the living room (animal planet of course).

shilah the husky puppy

I know it’s hard for her to mellow out with me, but I promised her as a compromise that this winter we’d hitch her up to my sled and do some dog sledding! Yeehaw! 

P.S. Happy 28th Birthday to my Dad! He’s sooooo old!


ammo the dachshund watching

Oh hey, did you come to watch with me?

ammo the dachshund watching

I’m not really sure what we’re watching for, but I’ll know it when I see it.

ammo the dachshund watching

There, over there, I think I saw it.

ammo the dachshund watching

Oh yeah, this is definitely it.

ammo the dachshund watching

Wow, what a great thing to watch, I hope you didn’t miss it! 

Little Super Hero on the Wall

ammo the dachshund custom painting

You might remember that for Christmas I got a special little gift card from my Mom & Dad to get a custom painting of myself from Yellow Brick Home. Well, a few days ago a little package arrived at my door from the very talented Kim Vargo.

ammo the dachshund painting from yellow brick home

Photo Credit: Kim @ Yellow Brick Home

I couldn’t believe how much it looked like me! Mom says she even captured the special feisty little look in my eyes.

ammo the dachshund super hero

After modeling for a few photos with Mom and sending Kim some of my favorites from years past, I was so excited to see the results. Kim even said I was the very first Super Hero she got to paint! (I’m the cutest too, right?)

ammo the dachshund custom painting from yellow brick home

Mom hung it up in my home office for me, and I really can’t help but stare at it all day long!

ammo the dachshund custom painting from yellow brick home

Oh handsome little hero on the wall – you are just way too cool!

You can get your own custom pet paintings from Kim @ Yellow Brick Home (make sure you tell her the cutest Super Hero EVER sent you!)

*I was not paid or perk’d to write this post – I’m just super super excited about my new portrait!

The non-Adventure Days

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Contrary to popular belief, not “everyday” is an adventure at my house.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

On those rare days that there isn’t much going on, I can be found like this.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Fighting the urge to sleep, because you never know when you need to be ready for your next big adventure.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

ammo the dachshund sleeping

ammo the dachshund sleeping

It’s best to sleep with one eye open too, because…..

ammo the dachshund sleeping never know when the paparazzi is going to show up!

ammo the dachshund sleeping

And everyone knows you don’t want to have photos of you with bed-head circling around on the internet.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Lucky for me I look cute no matter what I’m doing. *wink*