The Buddy System

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

My Monday post today is a bit later than normal – and that’s because when I woke up this morning it was gorgeous outside! So nice in fact, that after spending all morning on the farm my best buddy Trooper came over to spend the afternoon with me.

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

We told jokes, and laughed and laughed.

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

And we looked for critters in the back yard.

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

Then we napped.

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

And napped.

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

And then we napped some more.

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

But I realized something after my afternoon with Trooper.

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

ammo the dachshund the buddy system

Napping is so much better when you implement the Buddy System. 

Napping at Work

Luckily for me my boss allows me to take naps while on the job. One of the many perks. (I also get belly rubs and snacks for free- it’s in my contract).

However, napping on the job can sometimes be an art. Sometimes getting comfy requires a little creativity. So today I’m going to share with you my helpful guide for getting your snooze on at work. (Use with caution – or at least when your boss isn’t looking)

This one I call the “watchful eye”, useful when wanting to nap, but still keep an eye out. You know, in case something important might happen.


This is the “Sneaky Snake”. Very handy around corners and tight spaces – not recommended for “non-hot-dog-shaped bodies”.


The “leg cross” is a favorite of mine.  Gives you an extra boost of luck. One can never be too lucky.


The “dog-bed crash” is always a good one. Always make sure to do a little “fluffing” first.


“Blankie Necktie” is great for when it’s a bit chilly out. Just don’t wrap up too tightly, you won’t be able to get out in case of fire.


The “crescent roll” is prefect for a busy day at the office. You’re free of cumbersome blankets, but still able to keep your legs nice and toasty.


Shoot. How did this photo end up in here? Pay no attention to this. Seriously. It was just an itch on my leg. I swear!


“The Cave” is the best. Dark enough for hibernation but not too dark that you miss a meal.


“Sunbathing” – definitely a must if you are looking a little pasty. Also perfect on a cold day, just don’t “bake” for too long. No one likes an overcooked hot dog.


And last but not least we have the “Hot Dog in a Blanket”. Why re-invent the wheel, classics never die.


If anyone catches me napping at work please know this. No. 1 If you have cookies and don’t wake me up for some I WILL hold a grudge. No. 2 Please don’t come to my place of work without cookies, I WILL hold a grudge. That is all.





Beach Weather

A couple of weeks ago I spotted this…..

That’s a photo of my pal Cricket “sunning” at the farm. How you might ask? With a heat lamp of course! And you can bet that I begged and begged my mom until she finally relented and bought me my very own.

It’s like I’m at the beach at work! Pretty cool huh?

So while it’s a chilly 19 Degrees in Pennsylvania today I’m baking at the beach inside the shop!

I bet you wish you were me! 🙂

sandcastle image from here.

Nap Time

Napping. It’s one of a dog’s favorite pastimes, well aside from hunting groundhogs, and it’s one of my favorites too.

Napping is an art though. Despite my ability to drift into la la land pretty easily, there are definitely some things that make nap time that much more enjoyable.

#1 Darkness. If the light switch is not easily accessible than this can also be achieved by burrowing inside blankets, between couch cushions, and under furniture.

#2 More Cushion. Who wants to lay on a wood floor? Definitely not this guy. Dog beds and couches are fine, but if you really want a cushy place to lay your head, check out the ‘rents bed. Trust me, it’s way better.

#3 Lulling Sounds. If you think someone is going to play soft soothing music for you, you are mistaken. If you can figure out how to turn the radio on than high five to you otherwise you might have to make your own noise so someone else will turn it on to drown you out.

#4 Bring a Friend. Napping alone is no fun. Having a pal to lay next to you and keep you warm is just the icing on the cake! So always always always bring a napping pal.

#5 Be adaptable. Sometimes the best snooze spot in the house is taken. You need to be able to get comfy anywhere – try sleeping on your back, upside down, or even curled in a ball. You’d be surprised just how comfy you can get.

#6 Look Adorable. The more adorable you look when you are sleeping, the less likely it is that someone will wake you up. If your people start taking pictures while you are sleeping, then you are golden, there is a zero chance they will wake you up for anything for the next few hours. Keep up the good work.

#7 Have sweet dreams. Nobody likes nightmares. So make sure you think happy thoughts before you fall asleep – this will ensure that you only dream of chasing bunnies, rolling in stinky stuff, and eating the biggest rawhide bone. Don’t worry if you startle yourself awake with high pitched cries or flailing limps – this is all part of your dream.

#8 Watch the time. As much as napping is fun, it can’t last forever. Don’t nap your day away, you will miss out on some awesome adventures. Wearing your cape during naptime is a good idea, then you are always ready for the action at hand!

sweet dreams my friend.