Super Weenie Hideout Cave

Over the weekend I came across a new hole on the farm.

I decided that this particular hole would make a super amazing “bat cave” – although since I’m not a bat, I decided to call it “The Super Weenie Hideout Cave”!

Upon first inspection it seemed decent enough.

So I did what any Dachshund would do – I dug my way into that Super Weenie Hideout Cave!

I was tedious work, but before long I had made my way into the hideout.

I already have future plans for an underground garage for my weenie mobile. It’s going to be epic!

New Art: Stormy Sea

Tada! Over the weekend I finished up a fabulous new watercolor painting! I give you “Stormy Sea” created by yours truly. I’m taking a liberty here and giving myself a gold star for the day. Yeah, it’s that good!

I was so excited to be painting again, that I might have done some yelling. Ok, I definitely did some yelling.

What are you looking at? Never seen a Dachshund in a beret?

Dashing isn’t it? I know you wish you had one too.

You can purchase this beauty, “Stormy Sea” in my online shop!

P.S. Don’t forget I donate 5% of my sales to Charitable Organizations. Yeah!

Sea Legs

Slowly but surely I’m earning my sea legs. You might remember I went on a boat outing a few months ago up in the Poconos. Well yesterday I went on another boat outing at Marsh Creek State Park.

On a 90+ degree day, it was the perfect weather to spend on the lake.

I have to admit I was so excited I did a little yelling. How can you not, when you’re on the open water!?

We did have a little “man overboard” incident…

I know what this looks like, but I swear I didn’t push him!

Dad probably should have been wearing his life vest.

Well, I’ve pretty much mastered this boating thing. Easy Peazy Lemon Squeezy! I think next time I might try my hand paw at windsurfing!

Extra Vacation

I know yesterday was the 4th of July, but, well, I’m taking an extra day of vacation. Please don’t tell my boss, I might get in trouble.

It’s kinda nice to just lounge around with my friends today.

Ahhhh, nothing like an extra day of sunning!

Happy 4th of July!

Yeah, Happy Birthday to the U.S. of A.! I’m waving my American flag proudly today and eating a few hot dogs or two. I hope you’re doing the same.


Friday Fetch: Blink Leash

I might have a mild obsession with rope leashes currently – that and the color teal. We dogs don’t wear only wear clothing on occasion, so we gotta accessorize somehow!

So even though my mom recently made me my own diy rope leash, when I found the TEAL ROPE leashes on Blink I found myself begging and pleading my mom for an upgrade. True I probably could have dyed my current leash, but these were just oh so cool.

These hand-made, hand-dyed leashes are made of 100% cotton rope with brass hardware. Leash ends are spliced and then whipped, making them as strong as uncut rope.

They come in three different colors, Salmon, Lake and Smoke as well as two different styles – slip or clip.

You can fetch your own for $20-$45 at Blink

How to Survive traveling with Ponies

When you spend your time with a bunch of famous ponies, sometimes you are required to spend long hours on the road with them. It’s not the best situation (IE – where is my pillow and my favorite toys?), but there are lots of things you can do to make it your home away from home. Here are a few things I just can’t live without when I’m traveling with the ponies…

Number 1: If you must be tied up, make sure you have access to a nice sunning spot. Grass is preferred, but I’ve been known to compromise.

Number 2: a nice comfy dog bed out of the sun (for when it just gets too hot to bare) is a must. I of course use my designer dog bed from Molly Mutt tucked away in my little corner in the trailer tack room.

Number 3: A fan! Mom hooked me up with this battery powered fan, and let me tell you, it-is-heaven on a hot day!

Number 4: ONLY travel with ponies who make you look good! I tell my ponies that they better bring home the BLUE ribbon – or else no kisses from me!

ok fine.

they get kisses either way because I love them.


but don’t tell them I said that!

Unicorn Appreciation Day!

Remember how my friend Baxter the Dachshund told me that Wednesday was Unicorn Appreciation Day? And remember how I set out to catch my own Unicorn with some glitter? Well, now that it’s Wednesday, I bet you are all wondering if I was able to catch my Unicorn friend?

I had to wait a really really really long time with my glitter bait.

Even Cricket got bored of waiting – she thought maybe if she played dead the Unicorn would come to save her. It didn’t work out like she planned (don’t worry, she didn’t really die).

But then, after waiting for DAYS, I heard something off in the distance.

“Are you my Unicorn?” – Me

“Why yes, I came because I smelled your glitter” – Unicorn

“But how do I know you are a Unicorn” – Me


And then I looked up and it was GLORIOUS!

My Unicorn had come at last, and he was more spectacular than I imagined!

I gave him lots and lots of kisses and told him I was happy he came to the Unicorn Appreciation Day. I wished he could stay forever, but he said he had to get back to the magical forest.

Although he did leave some magical Unicorn poop behind for me as a souvenir. I’m soooo lucky!

Movie Night

Sometimes movie night at my house is a little different.

This particular movie night we headed to the park to watch Shrek 3.

I was super excited, because before the movie started I got to wait in line to get some ice cream, just like all the other boys and girls.

I was excited about the ice cream, but the rest of the kids were excited about me!

What can I say, I must be way cooler than ice cream!

Shrek 3 was fantastic – Gingy is my favorite character, which may or may not be because he looks so tasty! I’ll never tell..

Unicorn Huntin’

My pal Baxter the Dachshund says that it’s Unicorn Appreciation Day on Wednesday. Baxter has already started trying to catch his Unicorn in his backyard to bring to the Appreciation Day. He’s super smart, so I’m sure he’ll have no problem catching one, he even thought up some really cool bait to catch his Unicorn with – like Watermelon, Glitter, and even Beans.

Since Baxter looked like he was having so much fun trying to catch his Unicorn, I told my mom I wanted to catch my own for Unicorn Appreciation Day too.

Luckily the Painting Ponies had a stash of glitter on hand at the farm. Gotta love a pony that keeps glitter in their locker.

I spread out some of my glitter by some pretty flowers on the farm. I figured if Unicorns like glitter, then they probably like flowers too.

Now comes the hard part, waiting for my Unicorn to show up….

Just in case I also started digging a Unicorn hole – you know – should Unicorns live underground. Hey, you never know!