
Most of you have heard that Hurricane Sandy aka Frankenstorm has been barreling it’s way towards the east coast. Being that I live in Pennsylvania, the hurricane was set to hit my area on Monday evening with full furry.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

I made lots of preparations like tucking my ponies safely into the barn, sandbagging up mom’s shop in town, and making sure I had plenty of kibble and water.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

I battened down the hatches and prepared for the looming Frankenstorm to approach.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

Trips to the farm in the wind and rain to keep my ponies safe were inevitable, but I tried my best to stay warm.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

I hope everyone that the hurricane has effected has stayed safe, and I’ll be sure to update everyone on how I weather the storm just as soon as it moves out of my area (hopefully by wednesday).

As always you can stay up to date on all my adventures in the storm on my facebook page. Wishing you all the best!


**update** I made it through the storm, and although I did lose power around 9pm at night it did come back a few hours later. My house faired well with just some down leaves and a few branches but the farm is still without power. I’ll be heading out soon to check on mom’s shop in town – and we’re hoping the water from the Brandywine River didn’t flood the area. I hope everyone else stayed safe!Ammo the Dachshund

Birthday Wrap-up

A long overdue post, I bet you guys are wondering what exciting things I did on my day of birth (October 5th). And more importantly, what goodies did Mom and Dad get me?

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-up

When it comes to presents, I’m an unwrapping fool! I can unwrap a present faster than you can blink – a glorious achievement!

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

After the chaos ensued, I was left with some lovely Birthday gifts from my very generous parents.

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

It was a very happy day.

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

My Birthday bounty included a new collar from Mattie & Margot, a lime green hand-knitted sweater from By Chance Designs, a jar of Pet Fair Noshers to fill my toys, a toy and bag of cookies from my bestest friend Trooper, and a Kicker Box.

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

I felt like the luckiest boy in the World! And after a little bit of celebratory barking, mom agreed to let me test out my new Kicker Box.

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

The Kicker Box is a toy designed to challenge a dog, and get them thinking as they try to figure out how to get the treats out of the box by moving the nobs from side to side and up and down. And after about 5 minutes, I knew why they called it a kicker box…..

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

….because I wanted to kick that dang box to the curb! Seriously, all I wanted was my cookies and this box was keeping them all to himself. This must have been some sort of cruel joke.

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

But since I’m a pretty smart guy, I eventually figured out how to move the nobs and release my treats. It’s still a cruel joke is you ask me though!

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

My 4th Birthday was loads of fun, and I’m so glad I got to celebrate it all week with all my friends. Now begins my countdown to Christmas, when I get to open all my presents from Santa! Yay! Ammo the Dachshund


Disclosure: I was not paid or perked to write about any of these products. I simply wanted to share all the goodies I got for my Birthday!

It’s Pumpkin Time

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

Do you know what time it is? If you guessed pumpkin time, then you would be correct! And these fine pumpkins you see – well I got to pick out all of them!

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

Mom and Dad took me Hurricane Hill Farm to pick out my pumpkins, and I was so excited I couldn’t help but let out a yell.

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

Last year I did the corn maze, but this year it was all about the pumpkins.

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

There were so many pumpkins to choose from I really didn’t know where to start.

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

Slowly I began to load up my wagon with all my favorites.

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

And I might have licked a few, you know, just to make sure I was picking the tastiest ones.

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

At the end of the day I came home with a wheelbarrow full of the very best pumpkins.

ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

Do you like the pumpkins I picked? Any other pups out there know of some other dog friendly pumpkin patches? Do tell! Tomorrow I’ll share what I carved into my pumpkins!


Downingtown Fall Fest 2010

On Sunday I had to go to work. I know, the horror….working on my day off. Although, it turned out to not be so bad – I got A LOT of treats!

See me and mom had a plan, a plan to get people into our shop during the Downingtown Fall Fest. We posted cute pictures of me all over the window, enticing people inside to meet me.

And you know what? My cute mug did the trick….hoards of people came through the door to meet me. And lets just say I jumped through my hoop and played dead about a billion times. All in the name of smiles!

Where are all the peoples?

maybe if I sit infront of the door people will come see me

I bet the helmet will do the trick!

finally getting to show off my hoop jumping skills

I gave an amazing performance when playing dead!

I could do this all day!

blog header image from here.