Dachshund Life Struggle

If you follow along with me on Facebook or Instagram, then likely you may have already seen my most recent endeavor, the Dachshund Life Struggle.

Now you might be wondering, what exactly is a Dachshund Life Struggle? Well my friend, simply put – it’s all the things that make being a Dachshund so-dang-hard. The struggle is real my friends, and in order to bring awareness to all the very very hard things us dachshunds have to deal with on a daily basis I’ve started compiling a list.

So without further ado, here’s my list so far….but don’t worry, there are many many more things to add to it!

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

Dachshund Life Struggle // The Struggle is Real // Ammo the Dachshund

So as you can see, being a Dachshund is definitely not easy!

Keep following along with me in Instagram and Facebook to see more #dachshundlifestruggle and if you’ve got a struggle to add be sure to let me know!


P.S. Don’t forget to share my struggles with all your friends…..we have to spread the word about how hard it is to be a dachshund these days!Ammo the Dachshund

Nose Art

Nose Art by Ammo the Dachshund

I may have talented paws (check out my original paintings HERE), but did you also know I have a talented nose? Oh yes, I’ve been working on my original “nose art” (seen above) for quite some time now.

Nose Art by Ammo the Dachshund

It takes patience and some long long naps on the couch to perfect my technique – and the occasional bunny outside helps a bit too.

Nose Art by Ammo the Dachshund

I’ve been working on this masterpiece for a couple of months now, and while it’s looking quite swell I know there is still more to add.

Nose Art by Ammo the Dachshund

After all you can’t rush genius! Ammo the Dachshund

The Harlem Shake with Ammo the Dachshund

The latest meme floating around right now is The Harlem Shake, a song that has sparked a series of dance videos to an instrumental song produced by the artist Baauer. And since I’m never one to miss out on a meme, I decided to do my own rendition.

I bet you are mad impressed with my dance skills right!? I’ve been practicing if you can’t tell.

The Harlem Shake with Ammo the Dachshund

Anyone else do their own rendition of the Harlem Shake? Let’s see it! Post your favorite ones in the comment section! Ammo the Dachshund

Super Hero Day!

I decided that today needs to be a Super Hero Day! Because what’s more fun than a Super Hero Day?

ammo the dachshund super hero

So I rounded up a few of my recent Super Hero videos on Vine (you can follow me @kyleydiluigi) for your enjoyment today! I hope it makes your day extra Super!



Happy Super Hero Day everyone! Ammo the Dachshund

Dog Shaming – My Embarrassing Secrets

Have you heard of the new (gone viral) website called Dog Shamming? Essentially it’s a quirky little website dedicated to embarrassing and humiliating canines by putting our “shame” on blast for the World to see. Cruel right?

I must admit though, I did have a good chuckle at the expense of a few of these doxies….

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

I was having such a good time laughing my head off at these poor saps, that is until Mom reminded me that I have a few things I should be shameful of too. Who me? Yea right?

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Shaming

Dang. Who knew there was photo documentation of all my shameful deeds. Don’t judge me. Ammo the Dachshund


Imagination Hat – Dinosaur Land

As you may already know, I’m on an imagination adventure while my pal Minnow the Painting Pony is performing at Pony Penning all week with my mom. On tuesday I went to outer space, yesterday I went under the sea and today I’m on a journey to Dinosaur Land!

Imagination Hat - Ammo the Dachshund - Dinosaur Land

I brought my binoculars with me, because I’m really hoping to see some Dinosaurs up close and personal!

Imagination Hat - Ammo the Dachshund - Dinosaur Land

Wouldn’t it be awesome if I saw a T-Rex? Did you know my mom and dad almost named me T-Rex (which is awesome by the way) on account of my stubby little arms.

Imagination Hat - Ammo the Dachshund - Dinosaur Land

I’m just as scary as a T-Rex too…just check out my ferocious growl! So don’t worry, should I happen upon any Dinosaurs I can totally hold my own! Ammo the Dachshund


St. Patrick’s Day – Breaking out the Green

I know technically it isn’t St. Patrick’s Day yet, and I’m really not Irish (although I do have pretty red hair), but I just couldn’t wait any longer to break out my green!

ammo the dachshund st. Patrick's Day

I was also secretly hoping that my “holiday spirit” would entice the Leprechauns to come out and play!

ammo the dachshund st. Patrick's Day

Remember last year when I came soooo close to getting my paws on some of the Leprechaun gold?

ammo the dachshund st. patrick's day

Well, this year I decided instead of hunting down the Leprechaun “den”, I’d let them come to me.

ammo the dachshund st. patrick's day

I have a feeling those Leprechauns know how to party! And maybe, just maybe, they’ll come party with me at my house.

ammo the dachshund st. patrick's day

And if they happen to bring some of their gold along with them – I definitely wouldn’t complain.

ammo the dachshund st. patrick's day

So come join the party Leprechauns! I’ve got kibble for everyone! 


Mornings on the farm can be pretty peaceful.

spider the kitten

I’m usually greeted at the door by my partner in crime, Spider the kitten.

spider the kitten

Most mornings she yells at my mom to feed her – while I dart inside to figure out what new adventures there are to be had.

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

Sometimes the only “adventure” to be had is sunbathing in the morning sun. And that’s ok.

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

But other days, you just itch for something more exciting. Something that makes you want to shout from the roof tops your groundhog hole. And just when you think that there might not be any “adventures” to have – the heavens shine down and your day becomes glorious again – because you found a DEAD SNAKE!

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

And the only reasonable thing you can think of to do……

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

……roll on top of that sucker until you smell just as stinky as it does.

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

It really turned out to be a glorious morning on the farm, don’t you think?

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

But don’t worry, even if you didn’t find a “dead snake” this morning the day is not lost…..

ammo the dachshund morning on the farm

…..because I’m more than happy to mail you my dead snake – so you can also have a glorious morning too!

Super Dog vs. Super Pony – School Addition

***UPDATE*** we realize this video is being blocked for some people – as soon as possible we will upload another version. Thanks for baring with these technical difficulties!

Do you remember when I made my first Elementary School Visit with my pal Minnow back in May? Well, the day has finally come – my live performance video with Minnow is complete! My Uncle Taylor (the filmmaker) shot and edited this whole video – and it turned out really cool! Not that it wouldn’t, considering I’m the star of the show.

P.S. Minnow may have won the trophy this time, but there is no way I’ll let him beat me next time!

***UPDATE*** if you are having trouble watching the video above, try this version (without the super cool super hero music) – ON YOUTUBE

Check out Depthink Productions and Envision Event Media for all of your movie making needs!



My mom takes a lot of photos of me, like a way lot. I know it’s only because I’m so adorable she just can’t help it, but little did I know that I was in for some photo trickery!

I was just minding my own business at the farm when suddenly strange noises started coming out of mom’s iphone. Then BAM! mom snapped a photo of me!

Totally uncool.

See thanks to Pawsh Magazine, mom got to test out the new App for her iphone called Pet Pic (update- app no longer available). So instead of my usual bribes of biscuits & delectable treats to tempt me into having my photo taken – I’m being tricked by the alluring sound of squeaky toys and barking dogs. It’s just cruel!

I decided to do a little photo trickery myself. So I stole mom’s iphone and decided to test the Pet Pic App out on the ponies.

Looks like I’m not the only one who likes squeaky toys! Ha ha!

The best part is that the Pet Pic App makes kitty sounds too……hehe……oh Spider……I have a surprise for you……