Hunting Groundhogs – Superdog style

Everybody knows that when hunting groundhogs there is one major accessory that you must have. THE SUPER CAPE!

It gives you lightning speed and super digging powers.

Apparently Trooper missed the memo about the super capes.

Looks like I’ll have to venture underground solo on this one!

I’m Ammo the Dachshund, and I’m faster than a speeding bullet!

Over the River and Through the Woods…

Except this time I wasn’t going to grandma’s house! No, instead me and Trooper loaded into the family car and headed to the Pocono Mountains – to the family cabin!

Of course the first thing I did when I got there was run around like a maniac. Wouldn’t you?

After a few good laps, the next logical thing was to find dig a hole.

Only, I got a little carried away in my hole digging (I might need therapy) and before I knew it – I was stuck!

Don’t worry, everyone eventually dug me out – and mom reached in and pulled me to safety. I was a little muddy and tired – but that didn’t stop me from getting back in the hole TWO MORE TIMES (each complete with their own rescue mission). hehe.

Apparently after the third rescue everyone was getting a little tired of saving me (although I thought it was a blast) so I had to sit in time out in the cabin while mom barricaded the holes under the shed.

I promised not to do it again, so mom finally forgave me and let me outside to play with Trooper.

Look at me mom! I’m just like a dolphin!

And of course we HAD to take the row boat out onto the pond.

And to no one’s surprise, Trooper fell out within the first few minutes. I told him he should have worn a life vest (he sucks at swimming – even for a half Labrador).

So I gave Trooper a few pointers, and he actually started looking pretty good.

1..2..3..stroke. 1..2..3..stroke. 1..2..3..stroke.

I said use the towel Trooper!!

I think I see a tadpole!

After our boat ride I decided to give Trooper some more swimming lessons. “I said 10 more laps Trooper!”

Oh brother, he’s learned nothing!

This is just totally embarrassing for him. It’s the attack of the “Labra-dud” (you know, because he can’t swim). hehe.

Well, even though I got to run and play at the cabin while everyone else did “spring cleaning” – it was still an exhausting day!

This was fun and all, but when are we going home? There is a dog bed at my house that is calling my name!

Leprechaun Gold

Remember when I went searching in the woods for gnomes, trolls, and leprechauns a few days ago with Trooper? Well I did it. I found the leprechaun hole! Leprechauns live in holes right?

This must be where the Leprechauns live, I can smell their gold!

I was soooo close to catching them. But they had it pretty well booby trapped with briers.

I decided I’ll have to come back when Trooper is around to help me. Unless his dainty paws can’t handle the thorns.

Mark my words Leprechauns, I’ll get my paws on that gold!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

P.S. If you find any Leprechauns today tell them I’m on to them, and I know where they live!

Dig it

Dirt. It’s one of my favorite things. Right up there with rawhides, chasing squirrels, and barking.

So it comes at no surprise that when it’s nice outside, this is where I can be found….

When I’m enjoying a good dig, nothing else matters.

Except, there is always one thing I forget about…..

The bath!

I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies….

“Life’s A Garden, Dig it!” Joe Dirt