Camping 101

I’m pretty much the king of camping.

ammo the dachshund camping

I’m so good at camping, that I even bring along my pony when I go camping.

ammo the dachshund camping with pony

ammo the dachshund camping

Want to see inside my tent? It’s pretty cool.

ammo the dachshund camping

I unrolled the sleeping bags all by myself.

ammo the dachshund camping

Want to come see how I collect sticks for the campfire?

ammo the dachshund camping

ammo the dachshund camping

ammo the dachshund camping

ammo the dachshund camping

It’s key to whittle your sticks down to the right size – something they probably don’t tell you in the boy scouts, and I know, because I’m a stick collecting expert.

But as much as I’m an expert in all of the camping ways, could someone please do me a favor….

ammo the dachshund camping

Can you tell the tent manufacturers that they really need to start making built in doggie-doors.

ammo the dachshund camping

This is really cramping my style!

The Dog Days of Summer

I have some exciting news! Next month I’m going to be making some very special public appearances. First up I will be at the Ludwigs Corner Horse Show on September 3rd – 4th with my best pal Minnow the Painting Pony. We’re going to be parked out at my booth all day where we will have artwork for sale (by both me and the pony!) and we’ll be showing everyone some of our favorite tricks all day long. We also might be performing some of our acts in the main arena – when I have more details I will let everyone know! And as always the Ludwigs Corner Horse Show is a dog friendly event – so bring along all of your furry friends!

dog paddling over to chincoteague

"Dog Paddling Over to Chincoteague" painting by Minnow and Ammo - 2009

Also I will be at the Chadds Ford Historical Society Dog Days of Summer Event. The event is on September 10th -11th from 10am – 5pm – and the best part is….it’s a DOG FRIENDLY event too!

I’m going to have a booth set up where I’ll be selling some of my great artwork along with the Painting Ponies’ artwork too. Minnow the Painting Pony might also be in attendance – but we have to wait and see if they can make room for him (he is kinda hefty! hehe).

ludwigs corner horse show

I hope I’ll get to see some of my facebook and blog friends at these events! Pretty soon I’m going to need a date book to keep track of all my appearances!

You can see a list of all the events I will be attending this year on the Painting Pony Calendar page!

Spooky Fun Part 2

So hopefully you checked out part 1 yesterday. If not….you better! 🙂

So anyways, I was a bit confused on Saturday when the box-o-Halloweenie-fun showed up at the Farm. Me and the ponies had no idea what it was for. But when Sunday rolled around, it was clear that most of the fun would be had by my horsey friends…..and some new guests at the farm.

Even the ponies weren’t scared of Mr. Spooky Skeleton face

Lots of Ponies got to try the “Spooky Trail” Obstacle Course at the farm – as part of a Mounted Games Competition that went on Sunday.

Even my mom gave it a try on Boomerang. You can watch the videos on the Painting Pony Blog. I on the other hand, spent my day meeting new friends.

Why Hello, what’s your name?

Nooo come back! I want to play!

I also did quite a bit of lounging.

I’m sort of glad that I didn’t have to do any of this:

But it was definitely fun to watch! Here’s a video of me watching Mom do the course on Boomerang.