Friday Fetch: Halloween Addition

With about 2 weeks before Halloween there is still plenty of time for you to find that perfect costume! So I decided to create a round-up of some of my favorite costumes available this year!

2011 halloween pet costumes

1. Brasil Soccer Star from D’Pelos Pet Apparel. This one is for my dad, who is a big soccer fan!

2. British Soldier from Wish Pony. Can’t you just picture him riding on his white steed to save the day?

3. The Secretary from Spirit Halloween. You have to admit, you’d get a few laughs with this one!

4. Little Red Riding Hood from Charlie Hearts Disel. Because sometimes minimal works.

5. Banana Split from Old Navy. Honestly, this one just makes me really hungry!

So what are you going to be for Halloween?


Super-Duper Halloween

ammo the dachshund super hero

You may be asking yourself why today of all days I’m dawning my fashionable super hero cape and stunt helmet.

ammo the dachshund super hero

Sadly it’s not because I have any damsels in distress to rescue today, nor do I have any dragons to fight. No, it’s something much more important than that.

ammo the dachshund super hero

It’s Halloween Party time! Wooohoo!

Mom and Dad are hosting a Halloween party this year, and the theme? Super Heroes of course!

ammo the dachshund super hero

I’m still working out my wardrobe selection, but I definitely think I’m in the running for best dressed!

Friday Fetch: Bambi & Friends

bambi and friendsHalloween is just around the corner and it seems as if everyone already has their costumes picked out! I’m embarrassed to say that I still don’t know what I want to be yet.

Dogs like Bambi from Hope Images seem to effortlessly pull off the perfect costume. I’m a wee bit jealous, although to be fair, I really don’t want to dress up like a hot dog – the most obvious solution.

Doe-eyed Bambi here kinda makes me want to run into the forest and bring home a few fawns to call my own. Isn’t she just precious?

You can fetch these photographs of Bambi and her friends from Hope Images on Etsy for $15.

bambi and friends

bambi and friends

Even these dogs seem to have gotten into the Halloween Spirit:

dog in mask

dog in mask

Kinda makes you want to play dress-up doesn’t it?

Found [via] Pinterest

Friday Fetch: Hats for your Pet

Lady Gaga has nothing on this totally fashionable chihuahua from the Etsy shop, lenapavia. Looking for more than just a hat? Channel your inner Gaga with this inspired frog costume. Seriously. It makes me giggle.

From the shop:

Hello I’m Lena.
Thank you for stopping by my shop and I hope you like my designs. I began my career as a fashion designer at the age of 3. My first client was mom when I decided to cut and fix her dress. From there I went on to cutting and fixing everything I could get my hands on. I still remember that my grandmother had to keep all of the sewing supplies hidden whenever I came over. Nevertheless this did not stop me, and I have pursued my dream of becoming a fashion designer to this day.

Lena’s hats are certainly trendy – from cowboy hats to mini mouse ears no dog’s head will go bare! You can fetch your own trendy hat at lenapavia for $5 – $36

Halloween Mullet

I know you all are DYING to know what I’m going to be for Halloween. Me too!

See the things is, I’ve been so busy getting ready for my big performance this weekend that I forgot to get a new Halloween costume. I know, the horror! So I decided to dig through our box of Halloween goodies instead.

I didn’t get very far before I discovered my Dad’s Mullet wig from when he dressed up as Joe Dirt in college. I mean just look how cool he looked in it…..

Dad as Joe Dirt & Mom as “the bride” in Kill Bill

Except when I tried on the mullet wig I looked more like this…..

Yeah I know, it kinda lost the “mullet effect”.

I think I look more like a lion than a dude with a mullet.

So with my mullet idea shot, I was back to square one with the costume hunt. But then I remembered I had my costume from last year!

It’s my Dragon costume!! (or I guess Dinosaur however you look at it)

I must have bulked up my muscles since last year, because I don’t remember my dragon shirt being quite so tight….

Although I kinda like the skin-tight look… else am I supposed to show off my guns?

or maybe…….

I could be a Dragon with a Mullet!!?

ugh, you’re right….still looks like half lion half Dragon, but it could work? I look fierce!

Scratch that. I just look like a tool.

Maybe I’ll just have to enjoy Halloween in the costume I was born with this year…..


You know you want a hug from a naked Dachshund!! I’m super cute! wink wink

So in conclusion…..I still don’t know what I’m being for Halloween….I guess you will have to wait until the big day to find out! Perhaps I’ll get lucky and find something worthy of being worn by a Super Doxie at the Horse Expo this weekend. You never know!