Friday Fetch: Filson Gear for Rugged Dogs

I came across Filson, a leading outfitter for outdoor enthusiasts, and I was super excited to find that not only do they outfit our humans, but they outfit the dogs too! Being a farm dog myself I found their products to have the perfect amount of ruggedness.

Here is a few of my favorite items from the Filson Dog Collection:

filson dog bowl

Tin Cloth Dog Bowl

filson leather dog collar

Leather Dog Collar

filson shelter cloth dog coat

Shelter Cloth Dog Coat

filson reversible dog pad

Reversible Dog Pad

filson dog

You can fetch more rugged dog items from Filson

2 thoughts on “Friday Fetch: Filson Gear for Rugged Dogs

  1. thanks for the info on this company. I’m gonna go check it out right now! Hope Mom’s ready to shop cuz I’m ready to buy.

    Lily Belle

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