Ludwigs Day 1

I spent my Labor Day weekend hanging out with my good pal, Minnow the Painting Pony at the Ludwigs Corner Horse Show. Our Mission – to make all the BIG & LITTLE kids laugh and giggle.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

I’m not gonna lie, Minnow did most of the work on the first day. Not that I didn’t help – I just used my skills in a different way.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

I used my stunning good looks and overall cuteness to attract a crowd.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

You see, I’m utterly irresistible when I wear my stunt helmet.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

After I drew in the crowd it was up to Minnow to entertain everyone with his amazing painting skills and super awesome tricks. I jumped in here and there with some of my awesome stunts – but I really got into the swing of things on Day 2, which you’ll hear all about tomorrow!

minnow the painting pony

You can check out some more photos of my adventure with Minnow on the Painting Pony Blog. And even if you weren’t able to visit us at our booth last weekend, you can still check out all of our awesome artwork in our SHOP.